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✨ Harmonise Your Animal’s Energy for Greater Health and Happiness with the Animal Chakra Course ✨
Holistic Animal Wellness Specialist
Weaving together ancient healing wisdom and contemporary care for vibrant animal health and wellbeing.

Ruth Hatten
Feb 20, 20194 min read
The Benefits of Vitamin C For Your Pet
In this blog post, you will learn why vitamin C is good for your cat and dog, when it can benefit your pet and how to incorporate it into...

Ruth Hatten
Nov 25, 20185 min read
Three Tips For Improving Your Pet's Health
In this blog post, you're going to learn some of the tips that form the basis of what I tell clients every day in my animal naturopathy...

Ruth Hatten
May 28, 20183 min read
Pet food industry lies & the #RealFood4Pets Challenge
Read this blog post to find out: One lie that the pet food industry is telling you about pet food. What clean, natural, healthy pet food...

Ruth Hatten
Mar 19, 20182 min read
The No. 1 Forgotten Ingredient In Your Pet's Diet
Read this blog post to find out: What is the no. 1 forgotten ingredient in your pet's diet? What's so good about this ingredient? How...

Ruth Hatten
Mar 5, 20184 min read
Is your dog or cat getting enough EFAs?
Read this blog post to find out: What are EFAs? What's so good about EFAs and why does my pet need them? What are some good sources of...

Ruth Hatten
Feb 19, 20185 min read
Dry food keeps my pet's teeth clean, doesn't it?
It's a common belief that dry food (or kibble) is necessary in our pets diets to keep their teeth clean and gums healthy - to avoid...

Ruth Hatten
Feb 11, 20183 min read
Does raw chicken cause canine paralysis?
Some of you may have seen or heard about the University of Melbourne's U-Vet Werribee Animal Hospital study that alleges that dogs eating...

Ruth Hatten
Feb 6, 20183 min read
7 tips for transitioning your pet to a new diet
Transitioning a cat or dog to a new diet can be tricky. If you're transitioning your pet to a new diet that's going to provide them with...

Ruth Hatten
Sep 22, 20175 min read
The heart-wrenching agony when your pet gets sick
2017 has been a tough year. Not just for me, but also for my youngest cat. After a recent visit to the emergency vet, I decided it would...

Ruth Hatten
Feb 5, 20171 min read
Optimise Your Dog's Nutrition - Naturally
Start 2017 on the right paw. Sahaja Animal Healing, surburban pup and The Hound Hutt are proud to present: Optimise Your Dog's Nutrition...

Ruth Hatten
Jan 26, 20173 min read
Is hiring an animal nutritionist too expensive?
The bond we form with our companion animals is unique and so special. The thought of being without them is too hard to bear. Of course...

Ruth Hatten
Apr 19, 20165 min read
Why nutrition is key to your furry companion achieving optimum health, Part 1
When it comes to achieving optimum health for your furry companion, nutrition is the key element to consider. A diet that consists of...

Ruth Hatten
Feb 8, 20166 min read
Raw meaty bones: essential nutrition for your furry companion?
Raw meaty bones as part of a cat or dog’s diet are considered by many to be an essential component. There are however diverging views...

Ruth Hatten
Oct 31, 20154 min read
Free range, organic meat: the ethical choice for your furry companion
Did you know that there are more pets living in Australia today than people? Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in...

Ruth Hatten
Sep 24, 20153 min read
One of the most nutritious supplements for your pet (and for you too!)
A miracle. A superfood. The richest nutrient and complete food source found in the world. Wow! Not to mention that it is also the most...

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