Post-Easter Cleanse: 7 days to a cleaner, chocolate free you!

After two weeks of birthday and Easter celebrations, all the cake, chocolate and hot cross buns have left me feeling blah and I have decided that it is time for a clean out!!
For the next 7 days, I'm going to be enjoying an abundance of fruit and vegetables in the form of juices, salads and soups.
I have collated and created some yummy cleansing recipes which I invite you to share with me!
Think green juices, anti-inflammatory juices, soups and salads filled with an abundance of nutrient-rich foods.
The benefits of cleansing are many and include: improved skin tone, increased energy, flatter tummy, feeling lighter, weight loss and decreasing the risk for disease.
With winter upon us, it's also a good opportunity to start afresh by cleansing our body before we start to enjoy the comfort foods of winter.
Details of the cleanse can be found on The Whole Plant Living Co Facebook page so head on over there to nab your recipes, shopping list and more!
The way you structure the cleanse is more or less up to you, however you should include one juice, one salad and one soup per day with unlimited water and herbal tea.
A protein smoothie is a great addition too and will be something that I will be enjoying daily! Time-wise, it's great to enjoy a protein smoothie as your last meal to ensure you have a feeling of satiety before bed rather than going to bed ravenous (which can be a common occurrence on a cleanse). Protein before bed can also help with getting a good night's sleep due to the tryptophan that is found in protein. A protein smoothie with banana is perfect because of the natural muscle relaxants bananas contain - potassium and magnesium.
If you're hungry outside of these three meals, eat fruit, drink more juice, more water/tea, or eat more soup or more salad.
This is not a calorie restricted cleanse.
It's about getting an abundance of nutrients into your body while cutting out sugar, gluten, wheat, caffeine and animal products. Listen to your body and eat/drink when you're hungry.
Looking forward to this opportunity to cleanse and to sharing my cleansing finds and creations with you all!